I am alien

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Many times you see the people screaming that they want toleration to be the least tolerant themselves.

Toleration meaning allowing people around you to be different without interference from yourself.

It would seem that people are not made for this type of behavior. No one likes people who are different then themselves. It seems like an insult for someone to be different.

Maybe there will be a cure one day and all can live happily.

Monday, September 11, 2006

On Earth Only the Rich Count

The most telling sign of this truth is your health care. While it may be true that everyone can receive health care the quality has a vast difference to it.

I have seen the difference. The poor get the minimun while the rich receive every availbale test. Doctors avoid sending the poor for many tests that they would automatically send a rich person to.

This means that you people of earth only value life as it relates to money.

Would you been willing to share your possesions in a true community enviroment?

Friday, September 08, 2006

Why are you earthlings so unattached?

The virus called mind as caused you to loose touch with the fact that you are all connected through the in the fourth dimension. This virus needs to be cured for everything to be in harmony once again.

Stay tuned for some ideas on the cure.

People Of Earth

You have a virus and it is your mind.

Look around, you probably can not tell though, your world is a messed up place. It does not have to be that way, but no one can change it because you all have the same virus.

Take, for example, the way your health care is managed. The ones with the most money get the best health care. Your world is about money and power.

Maybe a cure can be found.