I am alien

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Governments, where do they get their power?

In the beginning the people governed power the government.

But at some point in that growth the government out grows it's people. The governments promote religions to keep people in line. They also divide the people so as to keep any one problem from sweeping the governements away.

The founders of America saw this problem:

"....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or ABOLISH it, and to institute new Government..."

They foresaw that government had the problem of growing too big for it's people and then smashing anyone who gets in the way.

It is probably too late for America. No matter who you vote for the process to get elected allows corruption. It takes money to get elected and we all know just what money motivates people towards....more money.

Can a change be made?

A world of Evil or a World Made Evil

How can a THING be evil. It doesn't do anything. It is what it is and inanimate object.

It is the living, acting creatures who cause good or bad to happen. Oh what a sad world you humans live on. Everywhere I look there is no peace to be found. Your world is in turmoil and must be fixed soon or all will be lost.

You have reached a point in your development where you have the power to destroy your entire planet. And it will most likely happen over some trivial detail. People just can not seem to get along. Always power struggles, fights for land and money.

Compassion is needed. If everyone would just step back and look through others eyes and try to imagine living other's lives the world would turn to a peaceful place. Understanding is needed.

Give it a try.